These days, being sensitive is a must, especially in using the right pronoun to address someone. We are living in a world with a great diversity of individuals. As the spectrum of genders grows, there are additional gender-neutral pronouns as well. Some people stick to the basic gender-neutral pronouns, while other people, especially those who support the LGBTQ+ community added some gender-neutral pronouns in their vocabularies. Gender-neutral pronouns are not gender-based but refer to the third person. Basically, the “he” or “she” pronoun is not in this conversation, however, there is a precursor of those gender-based pronouns.
These are the formal examples of gender-neutral pronouns and how they can be used:
- They – it refers to more than two people; to describe a group of people (based on how they look like or what they did/doing); use for people and animals; plural
They love to go shopping.
They went to the cinema yesterday.
They are so cute together! (put “are” after the pronoun if describing)
- Their – it refers to ownership by a group of people (more than two); indirect or direct uses; plural
It is their own coffee shop.
Their lives are so beautiful!
- It – refers to one person (not gender-based), animal or object; to describe someone or something; singular
It appears vibrant!
It looks like a rainbow.
It is (name of the person) living there!
- Them – it points out a group of people (two or more) or object; plural
I want to buy them tomorrow! (it refers to an object or animal or fruit or food)
I saw them last night in the street. (it refers to a group of individuals)
Take note: the gender-neutral pronouns mentioned above can also be used after a certain noun, name or object is mentioned beforehand. Also, they are definite (particular) and indefinite (not particular).
I eat my birthday cake yesterday. It made my tummy full!
The girl’s band is so excellent. They are so talented!
Oops! The article is not yet done!
As mentioned in the first paragraph, as the spectrum of the genders widen, some people created a “new” set of pronouns to be used as gender-neutral pronouns.
According to the UW-Milwaukee LGBT Resource center (2011), the list below is the (informal) gender-neutral pronouns that were added to their vocabulary as support also to the LGBTQ+ community.
- He/She – Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E
- Him/Her – Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em
- His/Her – Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir
- His/Hers – Zis, Hirs, Eirs, Vers, Ters, Eirs
- Himself/Herself – Zieself, Hirself, Eirself, Verself, Terself, Emself
Additional list of gender-neutral pronouns:
- Ze/Zemself by Richard Creel (1997)
- Fae/faer/faerself
- Ve/vir/vis/verself by C. Hulme (1980s)
- Per/pers/perself by Marge Piercy (1979)
- Peh/pehm/pehself
- Hu/hum/hus/humself by Humanist (1982)