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Common Canadianisms
Everyday Terms
- Toque: Winter hat/beanie
- Loonie: One-dollar coin
- Toonie: Two-dollar coin
- Double-double: Coffee with two creams, two sugars
- Timbits: Donut holes (from Tim Hortons)
- Washroom: Restroom/bathroom
- Pop: Soft drink/soda
- Serviette: Napkin
- Garburator: Garbage disposal
Food and Drink
- Poutine: Fries with gravy and cheese curds
- Kraft Dinner (KD): Macaroni and cheese
- Homo milk: Whole milk (3.25%)
- All-dressed: Flavor combining multiple seasonings
- Peameal bacon: Back bacon rolled in cornmeal
- Beaver tail: Fried dough pastry
- Caesar: Cocktail similar to Bloody Mary
Places and Shopping
- Dep/Dépanneur: Corner store (Quebec)
- LCBO: Liquor store (Ontario)
- SAQ: Liquor store (Quebec)
- Chesterfield: Couch/sofa
- Parkade: Parking garage
- Lineup: Queue/line
- Hydro: Electricity/power company
Activities and Sports
- Skookum: Strong/reliable/good
- Keener: Enthusiastic person/brown-noser
- Hooped: In trouble/ruined
- Beauty/Beaut: Great person or thing
- Give’r: Put maximum effort
- Shinny: Informal hockey game
- Hang a Larry/Roger: Turn left/right
- Chinook: Warm winter wind (Western Canada)
- Freezing rain: Ice storm
- Snow tires: Winter tires
- Snowbird: Person who winters in warm places
- Tuque: Winter hat
- “Eh?”: Tag question seeking agreement
- “Sorry”: Used frequently, often as acknowledgment
- “Please and thank you”: Polite request
- “Out for a rip”: Going for a drive/ride
- “Fill your boots”: Help yourself
- “Gong show”: Chaotic situation
- “Click”: Kilometer
Regional Variations
- Bunny hug: Hoodie (Saskatchewan)
- Biffy: Bathroom (Prairie provinces)
- Pogey: Unemployment insurance
- Mickey: 375ml liquor bottle
- Two-four: Case of 24 beers
Spelling (British Influence)
- Centre (not center)
- Colour (not color)
- Cheque (not check)
- Programme (not program)
- Theatre (not theater)
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