Euphemisms are phrases or words that are used to cover up something bad or negative. It is a figure of speech. These phrases or words are created to show politeness over harshness. It is like a wound patched with a band-aid so that it will not be infected and bleed more. Yes, you’ve heard it right. If there are situations that will arise in your life, Euphemism is there to make it more delicate and soft.
Euphemisms can be categorized as sex, uncertain events like death, unemployment, physical attributes, aging, functions of the body, and more. These are a few of the examples based on category:
Euphemism about Death
Some people say that truth hurts that’s why they will cover it with “lies”. But, the situation is different here, Euphemism can somewhat bring comfort to your friend or someone you know.
- “Passed away” means died
- “Pregnancy termination” means abortion
- “Met her maker/creator” means death
- “Ethnic cleansing” means genocide
- “Whacked” means killed
- “Six feet under” means dead
- “Over the rainbow bridge” means dead for pets
Euphemism about Physical attributes
These are the phrases to “compliment” someone in a different way regarding their physical appearance. But, do not use Euphemisms as a way to bully someone.
- “Big boned” means fat
- “Horizontally challenged” means fat
- “Differently-abled” means handicapped or disabled
Euphemism about Unemployment:
- “Between jobs” means unemployed
- “Early retirement” means being fired
- “Let you go’ means being fired
Other common examples:
- “Not the sharpest pencil in the box” means not smart
- “Negative cash flow” means broke
- “On the streets” means homeless
- “Relocation center” means prison camp
- “Making a deposit” means going to the bathroom
All of the phrases mentioned above are substitutes to lighten up a negative situation. Do not take it as literal. Also, this is a way of not being rude or offensive to someone. Show kindness always.