
Samuel Taylor Coleridge – Life and Works

The life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a rollercoaster ride. He is a prominent critic as well as a poet of the modern English tradition. He had inspired writers and gained popularity among men in the middle class. Samual Taylor Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772, on the outskirts of Ottery St. Mary.

His basics of literature were formed at an early age through reading books and the teachings of his father who is a schoolmaster. He spent most of his life traveling and trying out different writing styles. In 1794, he met Robert Southey whom he shared his interest in pantisocracy (government by all). But when Southey was marred, he abandoned him. He later marries too but never got to spend much time with his wife. It was in 1795 that he had a chance to be friends with another significant poet of all time, William Wardsworth. His writing styles eventually shift from being speculative and conventional to a more natural approach. With the help of Wardsworth, he was able to rediscover how he write. They were more conversationalist and intimate compared to his previous poem.

Together with Wadsworth, they began to change the landscape of poetry with their collection of poems Lyrical Ballad (1798) which paves the way for Romanticism. His most notable works are the Sibyllines (1817), Aids to reflection (1825),  Church-State (1830), and his first-ever literary critic Biograpical Literaria (1817). He soon died on July 25, 1834.

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Jessa Payofelin

I am 21 yrs. old and currently a third-year student at the University of the Philippines Visayas Miag-ao campus taking up a Bachelor of Arts in Literature. I am currently residing at Sinogbuhan San Joaquin, Iloilo. My hobbies include writing, reading, watching Korean drama, and listening to k-pop.