
Giving Instructions

Instruction is educating someone or just simply telling someone what to do. To simply tell someone what to do, the sentence should be an Imperative Sentence.

An imperative sentence states a command or a request.

Command or a request are both parts of giving instructions. What is the difference between a command and a request?

A command is giving an order. For example, “Sit down and open your book on page 45.”  The command can be more authoritative when you just say, “Sit down!” and “Open your book on page 45!”

A request is asking something formally from someone. The request uses modal auxiliary verbs such as must, shall, will, should, would, can, could, may, and might, or simply you can just put the word “please” to make your sentence more polite and formal. For example, “Could you get me the book?” or “Please open your book.”

Once you know what is Imperative Sentence, Command, or a Request you can now give full instructions to someone. To make everything clear, you must observe and follow two parts of giving instructions, the Sequencers and the Actions.

Sequencers will help you arrange and organize your instructions. Starting from the beginning to the end. Here is the order of the common sequencers:




After that…


You can also use these sequencers such as:

To begin…

Following that…

The next step is…


The next part of giving instruction is the instruction itself or what we call the Actions.

Always remember to put the Do’s and Don’ts when you instruct. First things first always, tell them what is necessary and what is not. For example:

You must…

You should…

You have to…

Do not put…

Do not forget…

Once you know how to arrange and put everything in order, you are ready to give full instruction. Here’s an example:

“How to borrow a book in the Library”

First, you must choose your book and please observe the silence

Then, go to the librarian

Next, fill out the slip

After that, write your name on the record book and write your signature

Finally, after reading return the book to the Library

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Reniel Botnande

Writing is a medium used to express ourselves as individuals. Writing is a skill developed to inspire, to educate and inform people. My experiences have molded me to become an effective communicator through hosting, teaching and writing. I have been trained as a News Writer and Photo journalist of The-Search Student Publication, Feature Writer of The-Lead Publication of University of Saint La Salle Bacolod. I am a freelance speech and declamation writer and freelance event host. I worked as Media Laboratory Coordinator at USLS-Bacolod for 1 year. I also worked as International School Teacher at Centurion International School for 6 months in Bangkok, Thailand I have a degree in Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication at the University of Saint La Salle Bacolod year 2018.