How to mildly compliment people with these 6 idioms
A compliment is a positive expression of admiration for someone. You can compliment someone enthusiastically, mildly, or loudly. It all depends on your mood and how you want to do it. There are six idioms you can use to compliment someone gently.
1. Night owl
Someone who stays up all night.
Example Sentence: Earl is effective in doing his schoolwork at night. Indeed, he is a night owl.
Compliment: You are a night owl, but you are effective at it.
2. Lone wolf
Someone who is very independent or who loves being alone.
Example Sentence: Eunice loves to be alone. She finds it peaceful as a lone wolf.
Compliment: I love the vibe of Danica as a lone wolf.
3. Lucky duck
Someone who has luck in everything they do.
Example Sentence: Jeff went to the supermarket this morning and almost got hit by a truck. He is such a lucky duck!
Compliment: You are a lucky duck in everything you do!
4. A dark horse
Someone who is amateur at something but wins unexpectedly.
Example Sentence: Leni won the election despite being a dark horse.
Compliment: I love the confidence of Leni as a dark horse!
5. A team player
Someone who works well as a member of a certain group or team.
Example Sentence: She knows how to be a team player.
Compliment: “Ashley, you were a team player yesterday in the quiz bee competition”, Crystal praised her.
6. A smooth talker
Someone who talks confidently and can deceive people.
Example Sentence: Justin came to me and said, “I love the way you look today, can I borrow your book?”. Indeed, he is a smooth talker.
Compliment: A lot of people are buying from your store because you are a great smooth talker.
At the end of the day, it depends on how you talk to someone using the listed idioms above. Use it wisely and mildly.